John Burroughs, a writer and naturalist from America, once said, “I go to nature to be soothed and healed, and to have my senses put in tune once more.”
Since ancient times, gardening has been known as a natural stress reliever. Today, healthcare providers consistently recommend gardening activities to patients struggling with issues that are negatively affecting all aspects of their lives.
The activity itself, plus enjoying the peace, beauty and bounty of gardening can lower stress levels and promote health and wellness in your life. Even if you don’t have a huge garden space in your backyard, gardening activities are readily available for you.
Feel free to explore the content on this website, and if you choose to do a little gardening, maybe you will will find a little peace of mind – and healing for the soul. Continue reading
Gardening has often been prescribed as an anecdote to mental suffering such as stress and anxiety. Digging in the earth, enjoying the warm sunshine and watching living things grow are huge stress-relieving rewards for your gardening efforts.
Beyond the obvious benefits of mental restoration, you should also consider gardening activity as a physical reward that can bring restored health and vigor to your body. When you feel good from being outdoors and creating something substantial in the way of beauty or food for the garden, your sense of well-being will multiply tenfold.
Studies show that gardeners have more optimism and appreciation for life than non-gardeners. The good thing is that you only need some houseplants or a small space in a window or on a patio to get both mental and physical satisfactions from gardening.
As well as being a great anti-depressant, gardening is also great for what ails the body. You can greatly lower your risk of osteoporosis as you age by getting the physical exercise you can get from gardening. Continue reading
Have you ever brushed against a rosemary plant or rubbed some leaves between your fingers to release the pungent and relaxing aroma? Rosemary is just one of the herbs you can easily grow in your garden or in containers to add to recipes or add sprigs to bouquets of flowers for an aromatic mood-lifter.
Herbs have been used since ancient times for medicinal purposes – especially for the treatment of depression and anxiety. Kava Kava, an herb grown mainly in the Pacific islands can be effective at relieving depression and menopausal symptoms.
The lavender herb is often called “the workhorse of herbs” and is highly effective in lifting moods, reducing anxiety and irritability and helping bouts of insomnia. Lavender keeps on working to act as an anti-bacterial to balance hormones and balance your immune system. Continue reading